Bloomfield Hills Residence
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
2000 - 2001
Design Architect: Young and Young Architects
Structural Engineer:
Nathaniel M. Stanton SE - Structural Engineer for the Bloomfield Hills Residence while working at Robert Darvas Associates.
The underground entertainment room was a key design feature for the Bloomfield Hills Residence. Its structure is an exposed concrete flat dome that supports an outdoor patio above. The flat dome relies on opposing concrete tension and compression rings separated by arching tapered concrete ribs. The concrete ribs are integral with the slab which acts as the dome surface. Contained within the concrete compression ring is a glass oculus that acts as a skylight directly above the pool area. Within the oculus is a steel structure that mirrors the concrete structure surrounding it. Flat steel stock is bent around its weak axis to create opposing steel tension and compression rings separated by plate steel ribs supporting the glass floor above.